
A brief history of the Andalusian Regional Science Association (AACR)

The Andalusian Association of Regional Science (AACR) arises in the heat of the initial academic and organizational steps of the Spanish Association (AECR). In this sense, it is worth remembering the 1st Congress or Meeting of Regional Studies of Barcelona in 1973. In April 1976, taking advantage of the III Meeting of Regional Studies, the first National Assembly was constituted. Since 1978 the national congress events were annual and in May 1978 the IV Meeting was held in Seville and the XIV Meeting in Malaga-Torremolinos, between November 16-18, 1988.
Although Andalusian members and researchers attended the national events, the strength of the Andalusian Association led it to take the initiative to establish itself as such at the beginning of the 90s and to organize annual regional conferences, although on one occasion (Baeza-Jaén, 2008 ) it was wanted to coincide with the national congress. Also, in 1999 the University of Seville led the XXV Meeting of Regional Studies.
Within these regional events, the most significant was undoubtedly the I Congress of the AACR in Jerez de la Frontera in April 1997, with more than 500 participants. After the success of this first congress, all Andalusian provinces and universities, led by various local partners of the AACR, have hosted an event of this type (see table below). Equally, it is the objective of this new Board of Directors to resume this dynamic of congresses, the last of which was the XII held within the framework of the University of Granada.

Chronology of congress events of the AACR

Chronology of congress events of the AACR

Andalusian Association of Regional Science

·         XII Congreso de la AACR 2011. Desarrollo Regional Sostenible en tiempos de crisis. 12-14 de mayo de 2011. Universidad de Granada. Ponencias del congreso. Comunicaciones del congreso.

·         XI Congreso de la AACR 2009. Cooperación Transfronteriza: Andalucía-Algarve-Alentejo  10-12 de diciembre, 2009. Universidad de Huelva. Actas del congreso

·         X Congreso de la AACR 2008. Política Regional Europea y su incidencia en España. 27-28 de noviembre de 2008. UNIA (sede de Baeza). XXXIV Reunión de Estudios Regionales. “Política regional europea y su incidencia en España”.   // X Congreso de la Asociación Andaluza de Ciencia Regional. Economía, sociedad y medio ambiente. “El olivar andaluz: territorio y economía”. Textos completos.

·          IX Congreso de la AACR 2007. Inmigración y desarrollo regional. 13-15 de diciembre de 2007. Universidad de Almería. Actas del congreso

·         VIII Congreso de la AACR 2006. Desarrollo Regional y Territorio. Nuevos Planteamientos y Perspectivas. 29-31 de marzo de 2006. Universidad de Granada. Actas del Congreso

·         VII Congreso de la AACR 2005. El papel de las administraciones públicas y del sistema financiero. Diciembre, 2005. Universidad de Córdoba

·         VI Congreso de la AACR 2004. Las nuevas tecnologías y el desarrollo regional. 18-21, febrero, 2004. Universidad de Málaga

·         V Congreso de la AACR 2003. Andalucía y las regiones latinoamericanas: cooperación e integración.19-20, febrero, 2003. Universidad de Cádiz.

·         IV Congreso de la AACR 2001. Andalucía-Norte de África: de la cooperación a la integración. 13-15 de diciembre 2001. Universidad de Almería. Actas del congreso.

·         III Congreso de la AACR 2000  Identidad regional y globalización. 14 al 16 de diciembre, 2000. Universidad de Huelva. Actas del congreso

·         XXV Reunión de Estudios Regionales. Las Regiones Españolas en Europa. 16-18 de diciembre de 1999. Universidad de Sevilla

·         II Congreso de la AACR 1998. 10-12 de diciembre. Universidad de Jaén

·        I Congreso de la AACR 1997. Andalucía en el Umbral del Siglo XXI. 23-25 de abril de 1997. Jerez de la Frontera y Universidad de Cádiz. Actas del congreso

Elaboración de José Manuel Jurado (2019)

These congresses have made it possible to transfer to Andalusian society an important body of research especially carried out by Andalusians and Andalusian territorial areas and whose destination is ANDALUCÍA in terms of its cultural and economic uses and both for public authorities and for private initiatives. As a result, numerous Minutes of own congresses have been published, in the eagerness to transfer that knowledge.
It has been the work of some pioneers who have believed in the transversality of Regional Science and who drink from economics, geography, sociology or law, among other branches of knowledge.
A legacy fruit of some colleagues / ace mainly of the university environment that without their effort there would have been none of it. In this sense, since the constitution of the AACR, with more than twenty years, there have been various changes in its presidency, secretariat, other responsibilities and composition of its Board of Directors. For the presidency have passed, with greater or lesser time, partners such as Rafael Domínguez, José Vallés, Adolfo Rodero, Andrés García, Juan Rodríguez and Manuel Alejandro Cardenete (current president since January 2015).

Also, another person must stand out for their work and responsibilities for this association and is that of the prof. Gabriel Cano, everlasting secretary of the same.
From the human group of the AACR manages what would be the Andalusian Academy of Regional Science created by Decree 383/2009, of December 9. It is your current president, the prof. José Vallés, who was also for years the soul and engine of our Association.
Today the AACR is with some 75 partners the most numerous of the territorial associations of Spain (about 475 partners) and is formed not only by professors and researchers of the Andalusian universities but also by other Andalusian researchers from other research centers and also from the world of the company.

José M. Jurado Almonte
University of Huelva
Current Secretary of the AACR